Course Structure
Course Overview
So you want to enhance your chances of getting onto a Nursing Degree programme, either here in Ireland or in the UK? Maybe you want a chance to see if nursing is really for you? Maybe you have a plan to work as a carer to get healthcare experience until you feel ready to take on a full degree programme? If your answer to any of these questions is ‘Yes’ then this course is tailor made for you!
The course is designed to help to prepare you for entry to a Nursing Degree Programme and at at the same time, successful candidates will emerge with a qualification which entitles you to work as a professional carer. You will have qualified Nurses teaching you and get a real insight into the incredibly varied world of Nursing. Admission officers from various UK universities come to our college to present to our students.
Apply to us, we will interview all applicants. Having Maths and a Science subject will be an advantage. After successfully completing the course, students will need to meet the entry requirements of the specific Higher Education College / University they choose.
Modules List
Nursing Theory & Practice
Care Skills
Human Growth & Development
Anatomy & Physiology
Care of the Older Person
Infection Prevention & Control
Work Experience
Students will also receive training and certification in the following:
Hand Hygiene
Cardiac First Response (resuscitation)
Patient Manual Handling
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
Careers and Opportunities
Graduates can progress to Undergraduate Nursing degree programmes in Higher Education Institutions in Ireland or the UK. Alternatively, they may seek employment as qualified carers in the public or private healthcare sector.
Student Testimonials / Where are they now?
Our graduates have completed Nursing degree programmes in Ireland and in the UK and are working in the areas of General Nursing, Midwifery, Children’s Nursing, Psychiatry, Intensive Care and other specialties. Other graduates are working as carers in hospitals, care homes, remedial centres and private homecare. Our graduates are life changers; they make a real difference in the lives of the people they meet.
Why Marino
Our students choose Marino College because they know about the friendly staff, the relaxed and supportive college atmosphere, with a great reputation for Nursing. It helps them decide what they really want to do. They love our central location, so close to trains and buses and being able to pop into the city centre easily.
Course Requirements
Course Code
QQI Level 5 Certification Nursing Studies Award 5M4349 Certificate in Lifting and Handling Certificate in Adult CPR
One Year | Full-time
Course Charge: non-refundable registration charge of €50
Apply for this Course Now
Reasons for Choosing Marino College
+ The College is easy to get to on the Bus, Luas & DART
+ My classmates are good fun & lovely to be around
+ The teachers are very helpful & caring in the sense that they wouldn’t move on unless everyone understood the topic
+ The courses are a great gateway to amazing career opportunities
+ The college has a great atmosphere and if you have a problem there’s always someone there to help you