Marino CFE March News Update


March has been a busy month for Marino College that has seen the launch of our new website, a very successful Open Evening and the press launch of our annual Five Lamps Arts festival.

The festival was launched in the elegant surroundings of Belvedere House, in Great Denmark St on March 19th. In attendance to formally open proceedings were Minister for Finance and Dublin Central TD Paschal Donohoe and film director and former Sheriff St local Jim Sheridan. They were joined by Maureen Sullivan and festival board members, Mick Rafferty, Jack Gilligan and Chairman Sean Mulchinock amongst others.

Chairman of the Board Sean Mulchinook noted the success of the festival in promoting community development and social inclusion and the way in which the festival showcases the uniqueness of the area. It also provides a valuable platform for course based work experience for Marino College Further Education Students across a wide range of departments and disciplines.

Among the festival highlights this year are a Poetry reading by Paula Meehan & Colm Keegan, The Noble Call, a play written by Michael Harnett, The Image You Missed, a film by Donal Foreman, Actions with choreography by John Scott and Terrain a group show that brings together artists with a connection to the Five Lamps area including work by staff member and Digital Marketing Tutor Alison Pilkington. The Festival runs from April 1st - 7th and for further information check out info@fivelamps There will be also be coverage of the festival by RTE on their Nationwide programme.

March 13th saw the college have their second in a series of three Open Evenings that showcased the wide range of courses available at the college with staff and students in attendance to welcome in prospective students. Lending his support for the evening was Lord Mayor of Dublin Niall Ring. The success of the evening was helped in no small part by the launch of our new website, designed and project managed by Dave Fitzgerald of Scapegoat Design.


Following a hugely successful collaboration with the college the new website has garnered a lot of praise for the innovative design and user friendly style it embodies. It has also seen our digital reach expand to a much wider audience thanks to the many new features embedded in the site.

Finally, an following on from his visit to the college,for Open Evening, the Lord Mayor Niall Ring invited the staff at Marino College of Further Education along to the Mansion House on Thursday March 28th for drinks and canapes. The staff were given a tour of the Mansion House by the Lady Mayoress and then adjourned to the dining room for drinks and canapes where they were joined by the Lord Mayor. It was a lovely evening enjoyed by all in attendance thanks to the warm welcome extended to staff.